werk, bauen + wohnen is a leading architecture magazine. It is already in its 111th year of publication with 10 issues per year, two of which are double issues. It is the organ of the professional association BSA Bund Schweizer Architektinnen und Architekten. Each issue focuses on a specific topic from the architectural discourse: current issues from theory and practice are taken up and always critically documented with exemplary buildings. In a second issue, werk, bauen + wohnen discusses the architect's field of work, reviews new competitions, exhibitions, books and products. The third section allows the presentation of current buildings, conversions or research results. In werk-material, two exemplary buildings are presented in detail with detailed plans and key figures in each issue. Current contributions appear online as werk-notiz alongside sections such as JAS Junge Architektur Schweiz or articles from the current themed issue.
werk, bauen + wohnen is directed at a clearly defined readership consisting of architects, interior designers, landscape architects, and engineers as well as students of these disciplines, at building authorities, urban planners, general contractors and building clients. The contributions, which are written especially for the magazine, the generous amount of illustrations, and the clear layout make werk, bauen + wohnen a central communications platform for both readers and advertisers.
werk, bauen + wohnen is to be found in the offices of most Swiss architects and in many libraries in Switzerland and abroad, it is discussed, quoted from and collected. The magazine remains a topical and useful work tool long after its date of publication.
Thomas Riedmann
T +41 71 314 04 28
Olaf Aperdannier
T +41 71 314 04 79
KünzlerBachmann Verlag AG
Zürcherstrasse 601
9015 St. Gallen
T +41 71 314 04 44
Appears: monthly, 10 times a year
double issues January/February and July/August
Languages: German, French and English summaries
Circulation: 5200 copies